Covenant & Government #8

As a member of the royal priesthood, please repent for breaking covenant with the Lord relating to His Kingdom on behalf of yourself, your generations and your nation for the following and replace with statements in italics:

  • saying we will do the will of our Heavenly Father and then not doing it (Matt 21:31)
  • being oblivious or judgmental of the tax collectors and harlots who enter the Kingdom of God before us because we are not doing the will of our Heavenly Father (Matt 21:31)
    • saying we will do the will of our Heavenly Father and then doing it in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 7:21; Matt 21:31)
  • holding onto sin and not removing that which would keep us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 9:47)
    • taking necessary means to rid the sin from our lives in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 9:47)
  • being a nation that does not come in the name of the Lord saying, “Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11:10)
    • the Greek word Hosanna [G5614] comes from two Hebrew words [H3467 and H4994] which means, “please save us now”
    • being a nation that comes in the name of the Lord saying, “Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11:10)
    • being a nation that comes in the name of the Lord praying, “Lord in the highest please save us now!” (Mark 11:10)
    • having our nation’s government, rule and dominion come in the name of the Lord saying, “Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11:10)
    • receiving blessings that come from being a nation that comes in the name of the Lord saying, “Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11:10)
  • putting our hand to the plow and looking back at the things of the past (Luke 9:62)
  • not being fit or useful to the Kingdom of God by looking to the things of the past and being held back from the work of the Kingdom (Luke 9:62)
    • putting our hand to the plow and forgetting the things of the past (Prov 4:25; Luke 9:62; Heb 12:1-2; Phil 3:13)
    • being fit and useful for the Kingdom of God by reaching forward to the things that are ahead (Prov 4:25; Luke 9:62; Heb 12:1-2; Phil 3:13)
  • not acknowledging or living from the reality that the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21)
  • not taking the responsibility that comes with the Kingdom of God being within us (Luke 17:21)
  • not learning what it means to live with the Kingdom of God within us (Luke 17:21)
  • not using or stewarding the authority that we have because the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21)
  • not impacting our nation’s government, rule and dominion from the authority that we have because the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21)
    • acknowledging and living from the reality that the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21)
    • asking the Lord to teach us how to be responsible for the Kingdom of God that is within us (Luke 17:21)
    • asking the Lord to teach us how to grow in and steward well the authority we have due to the Kingdom of Heaven being within us (Luke 17:21)
    • impacting our sphere of influence from our authority of the Kingdom of God being within us (Luke 17:21)
    • influencing our nation’s government, rule and dominion because we steward well the Kingdom of God that is within us (Luke 17:21)
  • preferring to live in our comfort zones and not making necessary sacrifices of leaving house or parents or brothers or wife or children or lands for the sake of the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:27, 29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29)
    • leaving all that is necessary for the sake of the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:27, 29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29)
    • asking the Lord for wisdom in who, what, when, where and how to leave for the sake of the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:27, 29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29)
    • asking the Lord to teach us how to steward well the hundredfold that we will receive as a result of what we left for the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:27, 29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29)
    • receiving a hundredfold from the Lord due to leaving houses or parents or brothers or wife or children or lands for the sake of the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:27, 29; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 18:29)

Copyright 2016 Rivkah Isaacs

